Diagnostik- & Forschungsinstitut für Humangenetik

On account of the often far-reaching significance of these tests, the Austrian Gene Technology Act (GTG) stipulates that diagnostics must be preceded by genetic counseling. In the course of this counseling, information is provided primarily about hereditary diseases, a risk assessment of the potential incidence of diseases is conducted and all relevant genetic testing options are explained.

Humangenetik Beratung

Genetic counseling

The goal of genetic counseling is to explain all the information that an individual seeking counseling needs to make a decision and provide him or her with the best support possible. All genetic testing requires the written consent of the individual seeking counseling. Minors require the consent of their legal representative. Genetic counseling is a personal and strictly confidential conversation between the individual seeking counseling and a medical genetics specialist with an emphasis on providing and communicating information. Following genetic testing, the results are discussed (according to the GTG) with the medical genetics specialist, and a counseling letter that summarizes the results is prepared for the individual seeking counseling. The counseling appointment usually lasts a half hour to one hour and may be repeated if necessary.

Your general practitioner or a specialist makes the referral for genetic counseling. Appointments are made by calling the office. You are asked to fill out a questionnaire and send it and any existing medical reports or doctor's letters to our institute. We can send you the questionnaire by mail or you can download it from our website via the following link: Questionnaires

Humangenetik Beratung

Required documents

For the most informative genetic counseling session possible and subsequent decision-making on whether and what genetic testing is medically indicated, we require extensive details about your personal medical history and that of your family. There are a great number of different hereditary diseases as well as genetic changes responsible for them for which testing is possible. To initiate targeted genetic diagnostics, previous medical reports and exact information on your symptoms and/or those of your relatives are extremely important. During genetic counseling, a family tree analysis requiring specific information about family (parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins) is also conducted.

Your responses can help to significantly improve the validity of genetic counseling and further testing and accelerate the process. All responses are naturally voluntary; all information is subject to medical confidentiality and data protection and treated as strictly confidential.


Remember to bring your e-card and letter of referral to your counseling appointment so the cost can be partially or fully reimbursed by your social insurance provider!


How to reach us

On foot: Diagnostics and Research Institute of Human Genetics - Med Uni Graz, Neue Stiftingtalstraße 2, 8010 Graz
Patient registration is located on the ground floor of the first building next to the vaccination center.

By car: Pay parking spaces are available in the University Hospital visitor parking garage (Neue Stiftingstalstraße). A handicapped parking space is available directly in front of the counseling center as well as a parking space for loading and unloading (max. 30 minutes, closely monitored!).

By public transportation: Bus routes 41, 58, 64 and 64E (stop: St. Leonhard), tram line 7 (stops: St. Leonhard/Klinikum Mitte or LKH Med Uni/Klinikum Nord)

Genetische Beratungsstelle

Anlaufstelle für Patient*innen und Ärzt*innen.